the first day, the Indra cup on the second, the Sarya cup on the third-thus one day by day.
14. Some', however, draw them on the last three days; but let him not do so: let him rather draw them on the first three days. But should he intend to draw them on the last three days, let him first draw them on the first three days and let him then draw them on the last three days. In like manner they are drawn (all three) in their proper order, on one and the same day, at the Visvagit’ with all the Prishthas.
Fifth BRÂHMANA. 1. Pragâpati, forsooth, is that sacrifice which is performed here, and from which these creatures have been produced : and in like manner are they produced thereafter even to this day.
2. After the Upâmsu cup goats are produced. Now that (cup) is again employed in the sacrifice: hence creatures are here produced again and again.
3. After the Antâryama cup sheep are produced. Now that (cup) is again employed at the sacrifice : hence creatures are here produced again and again.
(Sâma-veda II, 30-31) and Brihat(II, 159-60) sâmans, the other four principal prishtha sâmans-viz. the Vairūpa (II, 213-13), Vairaga (II, 277-9), Sâkvara (II, 1151-3; or Mahânâmnî, 1-3), and Raivata (II, 434-6)—are used respectively by the Hotri on the last four days of the shadaba. As regards the Hotri's assistants, while the Maiträvaruna always uses the same sâman, as at the Agnishtoma, viz. the Vâmadevya (II, 32-34), the sâmans used by the other Hotrakas are given in the Sama-veda immediately after the respective såman of the Hotri, mentioned above.
1 The Kânva text ascribes this practice to the Karakas.
? Regarding the sacrificial session, called Gavám ayana, of which the Visvagit forms part, see p. 426, note 3.
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