Våg. S. VIII, 38; Rig-veda IX, 66, 21], O Agni, skilful in works, become thou pure, bestowing upon us lustre and manly vigour, and upon me health and wealth !—Thou art taken with a support: thee to Agni, for lustre!—This is thy womb: thee to Agni, for lustre!'
10. [The second with Våg. S. VIII, 39; Rig-veda VIII, 76, 10],'Uprising by thy power didst thou move thy jaws, O Indra, drinking the cupdrawn juice !-Thou art taken with a support: thee to Indra for power!—This is thy womb: thee to Indra for power!
11. [The third with Vâg. S. VIII, 40; Rig-veda I, 50, 3],'His beacons have appeared, his beams, wide and far over the people, shining splendidly like fires!—Thou art taken with a support: thee to Sarya for splendour!—This is thy womb: thee to Surya for splendour!'
12. The drinking of these (cups is performed by the sacrificers with the resp. texts), 'O lustrous Agni, lustrous art thou among the gods: may I be lustrous among men !—Most powerful Indra, most powerful art thou among the gods: may I be the most powerful among men! Most splendid Sarya, most splendid art thou among the gods: may I be the most splendid among men!' And, verily, these same splendours, these same powers he takes unto himself for whomsoever, knowing this, they draw these cups.
13. Let him draw them on the first three days of the Prishthya shadaha?; namely, the Agni cup on
* The Kanvas use a different formula, viz. Rig-veda IX, 66, 19. See Vág. S. ed. Weber, p. 254 (XII).
* See page 402, note 4. In conjunction with the Rathantara
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