become sufficient for an oblation. This is why he takes sour milk.
15. He takes it with (Vâg. S. VIII, 4; Rig-veda I, 107, 1), .The sacrifice draweth nigh to the glory of the gods: be ye merciful, O Âdityas! Let your favour incline unto us, that it may set us free from all trouble!-Thee to the Adityas!
16. He mixes it by means of the Upânsusavana stone! For, indeed, that Aditya Vivasvat (the sun) is really the same as the Upâmsusavana, and this is the Aditya libation : thus he makes him delight in his own share
17. He touches it neither with the fringe nor with (the woven part of) the straining-cloth; for those two pressings, the morning pressing and midday pressing, forsooth are rich in pure Soma, rich in juice, but this, the third pressing, is emptied of its pure Soma. Now, in that he does not touch it either with the fringe or the straining-cloth, thereby that third pressing of his also becomes rich in pure Soma and juice : therefore he touches it neither with the fringe nor with the straining-cloth.
18. He mixes it with (Vâg. S. VIII, 5), 'O Åditya Vivasvat, this is thy draught of Soma : feast thou upon it!' Thereupon he hands the Upamsusavana to the Unnetri. Then he says to the Unnetri,' Drop in the pressing-stones!' He drops them either into the Ådhavaniya or into a cup?.
1 See p. 238, note 2.
9 Into the Adhavaniya trough or into a kamasa cup containing Soma-juice,' Kâty. X, 4, 10; 'into the Ådhavaniya or the Sambharani,' Kânva text; into the Adhavaniya or into the graha,' Weber, Ind. Stud. X, 386. Perhaps the next paragraph has to
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