goes to the hall. South of the altar stand the Dakshina (cows). Standing in front of the hall, he respectfully addresses them with (Vâg. S. VII, 45),
By your beauty have I come to beauty.' Now at first cattle did not submit to being given away. Laying aside their own beauteous forms ? they approached with their (bare) bodies. The gods then went up to them from the offering ground with their (the animals ') own forms; and they, knowing their own forms, resigned themselves and became well-disposed to being given away. And in like manner does he now go up to them from the offering ground with their own forms; and they, knowing their own forms, resign themselves and become well-disposed to being given away.
15. May the all-knowing Tutha distribute you!'-Now, Tutha is the Brahman : he thus distributes them by means of the Brahman. And the Brahman knows who is fit to receive a dakshina and who is unfit: thus these (cows) of his are given away only to him who is fit to receive a dakshina and not to him who is unfit.
16. Go ye forward in the way of truth,'--for whosoever walks in the way of the gods, walks in the way of truth ;-'ye of shining (kandra) gifts!' whereby they walk with that light (kandra, the moon).
1 The cows are driven past him along the back of the altar, between the hall and Sadas, and then along the north side of the altar, south of the Agnidhra and between the pit (katvala) and heap of rubbish (utkara), the sacrificer following them as far as the Âgnîdhra. At the same time the Subrahmanyâ litany (see III, 3, 4, 17 seq.) may be recited.
? Sâyana explains rūpâni' by sâmarthyâni,' capabilities, powers.
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