means this All, since Indra and Agni are this Alli: hence, having said this much, let him deposit (the
15. Let him, nevertheless, say this more, 'For sap and pith he becometh pure,'—by saying 'for sap' he means to say 'for rain ;' and 'for pith' he says with a view to that pith or juice which springs from rain ;-'for the waters and plants he becometh pure,' this he says for the waters and plants ;-'for heaven and earth he becometh pure,' this he says for those two, heaven and earth, whereon this All rests ;-'for well-being he becometh pure,' whereby he means to say for good.'
16. Here now some say, 'for spiritual lustre he becometh pure;' but let him not say so, for in saying 'for this priesthood,' he says it with a view to spiritual lustre. With, 'Thee for the All-gods! this is thy womb: thee for the All-gods!' he deposits (the cup); for it is for the All-gods that he draws it. He deposits it in the middle (of the mound); for this is his trunk, and that trunk is, as it were, in the middle. On the right (south) side of it is the Ukthya bowl, and on the left side the Aditya bowl.
THIRD BRAHMANA. 1. That Ukthya (graha), forsooth, is his undefined breath (vital air)”, and as such it is that self of his; for the undefined breath is the self; it is his
1 On Indra and Agni, as the divine representatives of the two privileged castes, see part i, Introd. p. xvi seq.
* We ought doubtless, with the Kânva text, to read 'prânah' instead of atmî.'
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