8. Now some make this the puroruk formula of the Sukra, 'He, the longing, light-enveloped, urged the daughters of the dappled (cloud) along the measurer of the welkin,'-saying, 'We thus make it like him that burns yonder, in that he says "the light-enveloped.”
9. But let him make this one the puroruk formula of the Sukra (Vag. S. VII, 12; Rig-veda V, 44, 1), 'In the olden way, in the former way, in every way, in this way (drawest thou) supremacy from him, the barhis-seated, and the blissattaining,'—for the eater corresponds to this (Sukra cup), and the eater is supreme: hence he says, 'Supremacy from him, the barhis-seated, blissattaining,'—'and onward strength drawest thou from him, the roaring!, the swift, that winneth those' through which thou waxest strong.-Thou art taken with a support: thee for Sandal'— With This is thy womb: protect manhood!' he deposits (the cup); for to this one corresponds the eater, and the man (hero) is the eater: hence he says, “This is thy womb : protect manhood !' He deposits it on the south part (of the mount), for it is in that direction that yonder (sun) moves.
10. Thereupon he draws the Manthin with (Vâg.
plutah). Possibly, however, 'no svid' may have to be separated from what follows: 'by no means ! for deities we should draw them,' &c. The Kanva text reads, 'no svit khalu devatâbhya eva grihniyâmeti viditam hidam iti, tad utan mimamsâm eva kakre nety u tak kakâra.'
· The Rig-veda reads.girå (through song)' instead of dhunim.'
· Viz. waters, juice, sap. Professor Ludwig supplies 'plants.' This verse is extremely obscure.
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