oblation of gravy is sap, and essence is sap: thus he renders the sap strong by means of sap, whence this sap when eaten does not perish.
31. And as to why he offers the oblation of gravy in the interval between the two half-verses of the offering-prayer, - one half-verse, forsooth, is this earth, and the other half-verse is yonder sky. Now between the sky and the earth is the air, and it is to the air that he offers : therefore he offers the oblation of gravy between the two half-verses of the offeringprayer.
32. He offers with (Vâg. S. VI, 19), 'Drink the ghee, ye drinkers of ghee! Drink the gravy, ye drinkers of gravy! thou art the havis of the air, Hail!' With this prayer to the All-gods he offers, for the air belongs to the All-gods : because creatures move about here in the air breathing in and breathing out therewith, therefore it belongs to the All-gods. As the Vashat (of the offering-prayer for the meat portions) is pronounced, he offers the portions that are in the guha.
3.3. Thereupon, while taking clotted ghee with the guha, he says (to the Hotri), Recite (the invitatory prayer) to the Lord of the forest!' Having called for the Sraushat, he says (to the Maitrâvaruna),
Prompt (the Hotri to recite the offering-prayer) to the lord of the forest!' and offers, as the Vashat is pronounced. The reason why he offers to the lord of the forest (the tree) is,-he thereby makes that thunderbolt, the sacrificial stake, a sharer (in the sacrifice); and, the lord of the forest being Soma?,
1 For the formulas used with this oblation, as well as the Svishtakrit, see Haug, Transl. Ait. Br. pp. 95-96 notes.
? Or, Soma being a tree (plant).
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