splendour, with the sap that dwells in the year: therewith we make them touch the jaws'-he clasps the two ear-rings.
3. With (the Mantra), “This herb is protecting, overcoming, and powerful. May it make me shine with golden lustre; (may it make me) beloved among many people ; may it make me full of holy lustre. Thou art not a bond'—he ties the pellet (of wood, mentioned above, Section 10, Satra 6) to his neck. 4. He puts on a wreath with the two (verses),
Beautiful one, elevate thyself to beauty, beautifying my face. Beautify my face and make my fortune increase'-(and),
(The wreath) which Gamadagni has brought to Sraddha to please her, that I put on (my head) together with fortune and splendour.'
5. “The salve coming from the Trikakud (mountain), born on the Himavat, therewith I anoint you (i. e. the eyes), and with fortune and splendour. (I put ?) into myself the demon of the mountain (?)'
—with (this verse) he anoints himself with Traikakuda salve, (or) if he cannot get that, with some other (salve).
6. With (the verse), My mind that has fled away' (Taitt. Samhità VI, 6, 7, 2) he looks into a mirror.
Dr. Kirste has shown, tena samhanu krinmasi (Av. V, 28, 13). Mâtridatta says, samgrihnîtes pidhänenápidadhâti pratigrahasamgrahanayoh samyukta vad ekâpavargatvat.
3. The Mantra, with the exception of the last words, is identical with the last verse of Section 10, Sætra 6. Here the MSS. again have oshadhe for oshadhis.
4. Comp. Atharva-veda VI, 137: yâm Gamadagnir akhanad duhitre, &c.; Paraskara II, 6, 23.
5. Regarding the Traikakuda salve, comp. Zimmer, Altindisches Leben, p. 69, and see Atharva-veda IV, 9, 9.
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