nethermost darkness!' Thus it is by means of the sacrifice that he drives away the evil spirits, the Rakshas. And as to its being rootless and severed on both sides,-rootless, forsooth, and severed on both sides, the Rakshas moves about in the air, even as man here moves about in the air rootless and severed on both sides : therefore it (the grass-end) is rootless and severed on both sides.
16. Thereupon they pull out the omentum, and envelop the two spits? therein with, ‘May ye envelop heaven and earth with ghee! whereby he endows those two, heaven and earth, with strength and sap, and puts strength and sap into them; and upon those two, thus filled with sap and affording the means of subsistence, these creatures subsist.
17. The two omentum-spits are made of kârshmarya wood. For when the gods in the beginning seized (slew) a victim, then, as it was drawn upwards, its sacrificial essence flowed downwards, and from it sprang a tree; and because it flowed down from the (victim) as it was drawn (karsh) upwards, therefore (it became) a kârshmarya trees. With that
1 The two vapâsrapanîs (omentum-roasters) consist of sticks of kârshmarya wood (Gmelina Arborea), one of them being quite straight, while the other is bifurcate at the top, thus resembling a prop.
. Or, its flesh-juice, medha. The Kânva text reads throughout medhas.
9 The Kânva text has the preferable reading, -Sa yat krishyamânât samabhavat tasmât kârshmaryo nâma, and because it sprang from that drawn-up (victim), therefore it is called kârshmarya.'
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