hence the wide-stretched one is the sacrifice. But that wife, forsooth, is the hind-part of the sacrifice, and he wants her, thus coming forward, to propitiate the sacrifice. Thereby, then, she makes amends to that sacrifice, and thus that sacrifice does not injure her : therefore she says, 'Homage be to thee, O widestretched !
3. 'Advance, unresisted!' whereby she means to say, 'Advance on (a way) free from injury!' *Unto the rivers of ghee, along the paths of sacred truth!' whereby she means to say, 'Unto good.' [Vâg. S. VI, 13), Ye divine, pure waters, carry ye (the sacrifice) to the gods, well-prepared! May we be well-prepared preparers!' Thereby she purifies the water.
4. Thereupon the wife cleanses with the water the (openings of the) vital airs of the victim. The reason why she thus cleanses with water the (openings of the) vital airs is this: the food of the gods is living, is immortal (ambrosia) for the immortals; but in quieting and cutting up that victim they kill it. Now the vital airs are water; hence she now puts into it those vital airs, and thus that food of the gods becomes truly living, becomes immortal for the immortals.
5. Then as to why it is the wife that cleanses. The wife is a woman, and from woman progeny is born here on earth; thus he causes that (creature) to be born from that woman; and therefore the wife cleanses (the victim).
6. With (Vág. S. VI, 14).Thy speech I cleanse' she wipes the mouth; with Thy breath I cleanse,' the nostrils; with 'Thine eye I cleanse,' the eyes ; with 'Thine organ of hearing I cleanse,' the
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