21. Or he should burn down brushwood in the forest and should say, 'This is my Ashtakâ.'
22. But let him not neglect to do (one of these things). But let him not neglect to do (one of these things).
1. On the following day the Anvashtakya (ceremony is performed),
2. Or on the day which follows after that.
3. To the south-east (of the house), in the intermediate direction (between south and east), they partition off (a place with mats or the like).
4. The long-side (of that place should lie) in the same (direction).
5. They should perform (the ceremonies) turning their faces towards the same (direction).
6. (It should measure) at least four prakramas (i.e. steps).
7. (It should have) its entrance from the west. 8. In the northern part of that enclosure they make the Lakshana and carry the fire (to that place).
9. To the west of the fire he places a mortar so that it stands firmly, and husks, holding his left hand uppermost, one handful of rice-grains which he has seized with one grasp.
21. I believe that we ought to correct upa dhâya into upadahya. Sankhayana III, 14, 5: api vâranye kaksham apâdahet. Asvalâyana II, 4, 9: agninâ vâ kaksham uposhet.
2, I seq. The Anvashtakya ceremony; comp. Khâdira-Grihya III, 5, I seq.
8. They make the Lakshana' means, they prepare the ground on which the fire shall be established, by drawing the five lines. See above, I, 1, 9. 10; Grihya-samgraha I, 47 seq.
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