Avada nas in the way prescribed for Sthâlipâkas, (and puts those portions) into another) brazen vessel ;
11. And (the portion) for the Svishtakrit oblation separately.
12. Taking of the mess of boiled rice-grains (Satra 6) a portion of the size of a Bilva fruit, he should mix that, together with the Avadânas (Sutra 10), with the juice (Satra 8).
13. Taking a fourfold portion of Agya he should sacrifice it with the first of the eight Rikas, 'Entering into fire, the fire' (MB. II, 2, 9-16).
14. Of the mixture (Satra 12) he cuts off the third part and sacrifices it with the second and third (verse).
15. He places the word Svâhâ after the second (of those verses, i.e. after the third verse of the whole Mantra).
16. In the same way he sacrifices the other twothirds (of that mixture, the one) with the fourth and fifth (verse), and (the other) with the sixth and seventh (verse).
17. Having cut off the rest, he should sacrifice the oblation to (Agni) Svishtakrit with the eighth (verse).
18. Even if he be very deficient in wealth, he should celebrate (the Ashtaka) with (the sacrifice of) an animal.
19. Or he should sacrifice a Sthâlîpâka. 20. Or he should offer food to a cow.
20 seq. Regarding these Sätras, which occur nearly identically in Sânkhâyana III, 14, 4 seq., Âsvalấyana II, 4, 8-11, comp. the note, vol. xxix, p. 105.
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