saying, Prompt ...' at each, and pouring the ghee together at every fourth fore-offering?. Having performed ten fore-offerings, he says, Bring the slayer !' 'Slayer,' namely, the (butcher's) knife is called.
5. He then takes the (svaru) chip of the sacrificial stake, and having anointed both (the slaughteringknife and the chip) at the top (with ghee) from the guhd-spoon, he touches the forehead of the victim with them, saying (Vág. S. VI, 11), 'Anointed with ghee, protect ye the animals!' for the chip of the stake is a thunderbolt, and the slaughteringknife is a thunderbolt, and ghee is a thunderbolt; having thus fitted together the entire thunderbolt ? he appoints it the keeper of this (victim), lest the evil spirits should injure it. He again conceals the chip of the stake (under the girding-rope of the stake). In handing the slaughtering-knife to the butcher, he says, ' Be this thine approved edge!' and deposits the two spoons.
6. Thereupon he says (to the Hotri), 'Recite to Agni circumambient'!' Having taken a firebrand,
with the formula Ye yagâmahe, &c. See part i, p. 148 note. The divine objects of these oblations of ghee are: 1. the Samidhs or kindling-sticks; 2. either Tanů napât or Nara samsa; 3. the Idas; 4. the Barhis (sacrificial grass on the altar); 5. the gates (of heaven and worshipping-ground); 6. Dawn and Night; 7. the two divine Hotris; 8. the three goddesses (Sarasvati, Idâ, and Bhârati); 9. Tvashtri; 10. Vanaspati (the tree, or lord of the forest); 11. the Svâ hâkritis (calls of All-hail,' which at this, the last offering-prayer, are repeated before the names of the principal deities of the sacrifice). For this last fore-offering, see III, 8, 2, 23 seq.
I See I, 5, 3, 16. ? For the three parts of the thunderbolt, see p. 108, note 2. 3 The Hotri recites the triplet, Rig-veda IV, 15, 1-3.
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