2. A Snâtaka should, when lying down to sleep, put his bamboo staff near (his bed) with (the formula), Strong one, protect' (1. 1. 19). This will bring him luck.
3. A place where he has a worm he should besprinkle with water, murmuring (the verses), 'Thy worm is killed' (MB. II, 7, 1-4).
4. (If doing this) for his cattle, let him fetch in the afternoon an earth-clod taken out of a furrow, and let him in the morning strew the dust of it (on the place attacked by worms), murmuring (the same texts).
5. (A guest) who is going to accept the Madhuparka should come forward murmuring, 'Here I tread on this' (MB. II, 8, 2).
6. They announce three times (to the guest) each (of the following things which are brought to him): a bed (of grass), water for washing the feet, the Argha water, water for sipping, and the Madhuparka;
7. And the cow.
8. Having spread out the bed (of grass, so that the points of the grass are) turned to the north, he should sit down thereon with (the verse), 'The herbs which' (MB. II, 8, 3).
9. With the feet (he treads on another bundle of
2. snâtakas samvisan vainavam dandam upanidadhyât tura gopâyeti svastyayanam. 3. hatas ta (hastata, hahsta, hasta, vitasta, the MSS.) iti krimimantam desam adbhir abhyukshan gapet. pasûnâm ked aparâhne sîtâlosh/am âhritya tasya prâtah pâmsubhih pratishkiran gapen. 5. madhuparkam pratigrahîshyann idam aham imâm iti pratitishthan gaped. 6. vishtarapâdyârghyâkamanîyamadhuparkânâm ekaikam trir vedayante. . gâm ko. 8. 9. pâdayor
dankam vishtaram âstîrya yâ oshadhîr ity adhyâsîta. dvitîyayâ dvau ked.
5-23=IV, 10.
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