12. Then he will become a ruler.
13. When (his cows) are sick, let him sacrifice milk-rice in the cow-stable.
14. On a dangerous road let him make knots in the skirts of the garments (of those who travel together). This will bring a prosperous journey to (himself) and his companions.
15. With the two (formulas),‘To Hunger Svâhâ !' (MB. II, 6, 16, 17), let him sacrifice a thousand oblations, if he desires to obtain a thousand cart-loads (of gold).
16. One who is desirous of cattle (should sacrifice one thousand oblations) of the excrements of a male and a female calf. Of a male and a female sheep, if he is desirous of flocks.
17. Let him make oblations of fresh cowdung in the evening and in the morning; then his means of livelihood will not be exhausted.
KHANDA 4. 1. One who has been bitten by a venomous animal, he should besprinkle with water, murmuring (the verse), 'Do not fear' (MB. II, 6, 18).
12. âdhipatyam prâpnoty. 13. upatâpinîshu goshthe payasam guhuyâd. 14. aksheme pathi vastradasânâm granthîn kuryât sahâyinâm (sahâyânâm?) ka svastyayanâni. 15. kshudhe svâhety etâbhyâm âhutisahasram guhuyâd âkitasahasrakâmo. 16. vatsamithunayoh purîshena pasukamos vimithunayoh kshudrapasukâmo. 17. haritagomayena sayamprâtar guhuyân nâsya vrittih kshîyate.
4, 1. vishavatâ dashtam adbhir abhyukshan gapen ma bhaishir
17=IV, 8, 18. 4, 1-4=Gobhila IV, 9, 16 seqq.
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