11. And at the marriage (he makes oblations) with the six verses, 'May Agni go as the first' (MB. I, 1, 9 seqq.).
12. At Agya oblations, unless a special rule is given, the two Agya portions and the Svishtakrit oblation (are) not (offered).
13. After (the chief oblations he should) always (make oblations) with the Mahâvyâhritis,
14. And with the (verse) sacred to Pragâpati. 15. He should make an expiatory oblation. 16. After the sacrifice they both arise. 17. (The bridegroom) should pass behind (the bride's) back, station himself to the south, and seize the bride's hand.
18. Her mother who has, towards the east, put fried grain mixed with Samt leaves into a basket,
19. Should make the bride tread with the tip of her right foot on an upper mill-stone, to the west of the fire, with (the verse which the bridegroom repeats), 'On this stone' (MB. I, 2, 1).
20. Her brother, filling once his joined hands
II. Agnir etu prathama iti shaɗbhis ka pânigrahane. 12. nagyabhagau na svishtakrid âgyâhutishv anâdese. 13. sarvatroparish/ân mahâvyâhritibhih1. 14. prâgâpatyaya ka. 15. prâyaskittam guhuyêd. 16. dhutvopottish/hato. 17. nuprishtham gatvâ dakshinato vasthâya vadhvañgalim grihnîyât. 18. pûrvâ mâtâ samîpalâsamisrân (var. lect. misrâl) lâgân khûrpe kritvâ. 19. paskâd agner drishatputram âkramayed vadhum dakshinena prapadenemam asmânam iti. 20. sakridgrihîtam angalim lâgânâm vadhvañgalâv âvaped bhrâtâ.
14, 15 desunt. 16-31-II, 2, 1 seqq.
Possibly the Sûtras 12 and 13 should be divided thus: 12. nâgyabhâgau na svishtakrid âgyâhutishv. 13. anâdese sarvatr° &c. Comp. Gobhila I, 9, 26.
27; Sankhayana I, 12, 13; 9, 10.
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