kaknaví, Vadavâ Pratitheyi, Sulabha Maitreyi (may satiate themselves).
'(I satiate) Kahola Kaushitaki, Mahâkaushitaki, Suyagña Sânkhâyana, Åsvalâyana, Aitareya, Mahaitareya, Bhâradvâga, Gâtûkarnya, Paingya, Mahapaingya, Båshkala, Gârgya, Sâkalya, Mândakeya, Mahâdamatra, Audavâhi, Mahaudavâhi, Sauyâmi, Saunaki, Sâkapuni, Gautami ; and whatsoever other teachers there are, may they all satiate themselves.
4. The fathers man by man. 5. •The ancestry of the father may satiate itself. 6. “The ancestry of the mother may satiate itself.'
KHANDA 11. 1. Let him not look at a naked woman, except during sexual intercourse,
2. Nor (look) at the sun while it rises or sets, 3. At an enemy, 4. At an evil-doer, 5. At a person that has to touch dead bodies.
6. Let him not talk with a woman who has recently been confined or who has her courses,
7. Nor with those (mentioned before).
8. Let him not eat food from which its strength is taken away.
9. Let him not do his work with implements wasted by use.
10. Let him not eat together (with his wife),
11, 1 seq. Rules of conduct for a Snâtaka, i.e. a man who has completed his studentship.
7. Etaih půrvoktaih anâptâdibhir na samvadet. Nârâyana.
10. Narayana states that with his wife' is to be supplied to this Sätra, which indeed is rendered probable through the comparison of Gautama IX, 32; Manu IV, 43, &c.
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