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the success; I satiate the thought; I satiate belief and insight, and the memory, cows and Brâhmanas, movable and immovable things. All beings may satiate themselves !'—so far with the sacrificial cord suspended over the left shoulder.
KHANDA 10. 1. Now with the sacrificial cord suspended over the right shoulder,
2. Looking in the direction that belongs to the Manes (i.e. the south):
3. The (Rishis) of the hundred (Rikas), the (Rishis) of the middle (Mandalas), Gritsamada, Visvâmitra, Gamadagni, Vâmadeva, Atri, Bharadvâga, Vasishtha, the Pragathas, the (Rishis) of the Pavamâna hymns, the (Rishis) of the short hymns and of the long hymns, Sumantu, Gaimini, Vaisampâyana, Paila, the Satras, the Bhâshyas, Gârgya, Babhru, Bâbhravya, Mandu, Mândavya, Gârgi Va
two parts, in the first of which the name of the being to be worshipped is given in the nominative case, with the verb tripyatu, while in the second it stands in the accusative, with the verb tarpayâmi. The first part of this section contains the names of gods and of divine beings, such as the rivers, the mountains, &c.; in the second part are found abstract qualities or notions, such as mati, dhriti, sruti. Similarly in chapter 10, 3 the Vedic poets, a few ancient teachers, and wise women, such as Gârgî or Sulabhâ, form the first part of the list, and then follow, in the accusative case, the names of such doctors as Sânkhâyana, Asvalâyana, Sâkalya. In Asvalâyana's Sūtra of the first of our two sections only the first part reoccurs, the second is omitted, while the second section is found there in its entirety, with the same difference of names given in the nominative and accusative cases. The conjectures, however, which I had once based on this difference (see my German edition, pp. 152, 153) as to the distinction of a more ancient part of the list, and of later supplements, are perhaps too hazardous.
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