“When we gather the mustard-plant and earth
melons, We do not reject them because of their roots. While I do nothing contrary to my good name,
I should live with you till our death." In this way it was intended to guard the people against loving wrong; and still some forget righteousness and struggle for gain, even to their own ruin.'
33. The Master said, “The ceremonial usages serve as dykes to the people against bad excesses (to which they are prone). They display the separation which should be maintained (between the sexes), that there may be no occasion for suspicion, and the relations of the people be well defined. It is said in the Book of Poetry (I, viii, ode vi, 3, 4), "How do we proceed in hewing an axe-handle ? Without another axe it cannot be done. How do we proceed in taking a wife? Without a go-between it cannot be done. How do we proceed in planting hemp ? The acres must be dressed length-wise and cross
wise. How do we proceed in taking a wife ?
Announcement must first be made to our parents.” In this way it was intended to guard the people (against doing wrong), and still there are some (women) among them, who offer themselves (to the male).'
34. The Master said, 'A man in taking a wife does not take one of the same surname with himself :-to show broadly the distinction (to be maintained between man and wife). Hence, when a man is buying a concubine, if he do not know her surname,
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