with performance of the office, with invocations, holy words, sacrifice, blessings, and adoration, -once to abide in the shining luminous space, in the beautiful abodes,-for the sacrifice and invocation of you, the Amesha-Spentas.
3?'.... I proclaim Asha-Vahista : if I proclaim Asha-Vahista, then easy is the way to the abode of the other Amesha-Spentas ?, which Ahura Mazda keeps with Good Thoughts, which Ahura Mazda keeps with Good Words, which Ahura Mazda keeps with Good Deeds 3 ;
4. '(Easy is the way to the Garô-nmâna of Ahura Mazda): the Garô-nmâna is for the holy souls, and no one of the wicked can enter the Garô-nmâna and its bright, wide, holy ways; (no one of them can go) to Ahura Mazda
5. “The Airyaman prayer 4 smites down the strength of all the creatures of Angra Mainyu, of the Yatus and Pairikas 5. It is the greatest of spells, the best of spells, the very best of all spells; the
· Here again it seems as if a paragraph had been lost : 'Ahura Mazda answered : Proclaim thou Asha-Vahista ; if thou proclaimest Asha-Vahista ....-Then Zarathustra replied: I proclaim AshaVahista ...' 3 The Garôthmân.
An allusion to the three Paradises of Humat, Hakht, Hvarst through which the souls of the blessed pass to Garôthmân (Yt. XXII, 15).
• The prayer known as Airyama-ishyô; see Vendîdad XXI, II-12.
5 See Vend. Introd. IV, 20-21.
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