27. He, so compassionate for the world, shall once become a Buddha, destroying all dangers and sorrows?; I humbly bow to Avalokitesvara.
28. This universal Lord, chief of kings, who is a (rich) mine of monastic virtues, he, universally worshipped, has reached pure, supreme enlightenment, after plying his course (of duty) during many hundreds of Æons.
29. At one time standing to the right, at another to the left of the Chief Amitabha, whom he is fanning, he, by dint of meditation, like a phantom, in all regions honours the Gina.
30. In the west, where the pure world Sukhâkara? is situated, there the Chief Amitabha, the tamer of men 3, has his fixed abode.
31. There no women are to be found; there sexual intercourse is absolutely unknown; there the sons of Gina, on springing into existence by apparitional birth, are sitting in the undefiled cups of lotuses.
32. And the Chief Amitabha himself is seated on a throne in the pure and nice cup of a lotus, and shines as the Sâla-king.
1 The present will make room for the future, life will end in death; the living Avalokitesvara will pass into the state of Buddha, al. Dharmaraga, i.e. Death, the great physician.
II. e. procuring bliss or tranquillity; the more common name is Sukhâvati. In Greek and Roman mythology we find the Insulae Fortunatae and the gardens of the Hesperidae lying in the same quarter.
From this it appears that Amitabha or Amitâyus is but another name of Yama, and just as Yama also governs the planet Saturn, it may be held that Amitabha, as one of the five Dhyâni-Buddhas, among his other offices, is invested with the dignity of being the ruler of Saturn. • I do not understand the meaning of this compound. In the [21]
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