kind, distinguished by wisdom and knowledge, whose eyes are full of pity and benevolence; thou so lovely by thy beautiful face and beautiful eyes!
21. Pure one, whose shine is spotless bright, whose knowledge is free from darkness, thou shining as the sun, not to be beaten away, radiant as the blaze of fire, thou spreadest in thy flying course thy lustre in the world.
22. O thou who rejoicest in kindness having its source in compassion, thou great cloud of good qualities and of benevolent mind”, thou quenchest the fire that vexes living beings, thou pourest out nectar, the rain of the law.
23. In quarrels, dispute, war, battle, in any great danger one has to think of Avalokitesvara, who shall quell the wicked troop of foes.
24. One should think of Avalokitesvara, whose sound is as the cloud's and the drum's, who thunders like a rain-cloud, possesses a good voice like Brahma, (a voice) going through the whole gamut of tones.
25. Think, O think with tranquil mood of Avalokitesvara, that pure being; he is a protector, a refuge, a recourse in death, disaster, and calamity.
26. He who possesses the perfection of all virtues, and beholds all beings with compassion and benevolence, he, an ocean of virtues, Virtue itself, he, Avalokitesvara, is worthy of adoration.
1 Aparâhata anilagalaprabha (voc. case) prapatento gagatî virokasi. For anilagala I read analagala (Sansk. analag vala). Cf. Kâranda-vyâha, p. 43: Athâryâvalokitesvaro gvalad ivägnipindam âkâse 'ntarhitah.
? Kripasambhūtamaitragargitâ (voc.) subhaguna maitramanâ mahaghanâ (voc.)
: Kalahe.
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