dom, sons, daughters, and wives, the whole triple world with its woods, oceans, mountains, springs, streams, tanks, wells, and gardens. And, Nakshatrarâgasankusumitâbhigña, the young man or young lady of good family, striving in the Bodhisattvavehicle for the goal, who after filling with the seven precious substances this whole triple world should give it in alms to all Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, disciples, Pratyekabuddhas, that young man or young lady of good family, Nakshatraragasankusumitabhigña, does not produce so much pious merit as a young man or young lady of good family who shall keep, were it but a single verse from this Dharmaparyâya of the Lotus of the True Law. I positively declare that the accumulation of merit of the latter is greater than if a person, after filling the whole triple world with the seven precious substances, bestows it in alms on all Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, disciples, or Pratyekabuddhas.
Just as the great ocean, Nakshatrarågasankusumitabhigña, surpasses all springs, streams, and tanks, so, Nakshatrarågasankusumitâbhigña, this Dharmaparyâya of the Lotus of the True Law surpasses all Satras spoken by the Tathagata?. Just as the Sumeru, the king of mountains, Nakshatraragasankusumitâbhigña, all elevations at the cardinal points, horizon circles and great horizons, so,
1 Or, the Tathagatas. The same alternative in the sequel. All Satras in the world have their source in the Tathagata, of course! ; just as all Vedas, Itihâsas, &c. are the breathing out, the uttering of the sentient principle, the âtman; Satapatha-Brâhmana XIV, 5, 4,1).
* Kâla parvata, literally, 'time mountain,' because the points of rising and setting are called parvata, giri, &c., mountain in Sanskrit
The whole horizon is also an apparent elevation and therfore likewise called parvata, &c.
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