must be considered to form the congregation of disciples seeing me from face to face, and must be considered as those whom I have fully blessed'. He who, after my complete extinction, 'shall keep this Dharmaparyâya, read, promulgate, or write it, he, I repeat, Agita, need not build Stapas of relics, nor worship the congregation; not necessary to tell, Agita, that the young man or young lady of good family who, keeping this Dharmaparyâya, shall crown it by charity in alms, morality, forbearance, energy, meditation, or wisdom, will produce a much greater accumulation of merit; it is, in fact, immense, incalculable, infinite?. Just as the element of ether, Agita, is boundless, to the east, south, west, north, beneath, above, and in the intermediate quarters, so immense and incalculable an accumulation of merit, conducive to Buddha-knowledge, will be produced by a young man or young lady of good family who shall keep, read, write, or cause to be written, this Dharmaparyâya. He will be zealous in worshipping the Tathagata shrines; he will laud the disciples of the Tathâgata, praise the hundred thousands of myriads of kotis of virtues of the Bodhisattvas Mahasattvas, and expound them to others; he will be accomplished in forbearance, be moral, of good characters, agreeable to live with, and tolerant, modest, not jealous of others, not wrathful, not vicious in mind, of good memory, strenuous and always busy, devoted to meditation in striving after the state of a Buddha, attaching great value to
i Paribhukta.
* The Vedântin does not deny the relative value of good works ; see e. g. Brahnia-sûura III, 4, 26-27. • Kalyanadharman.
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