were it but a single stanza of four lines, and whoever shows respect for this Dharmaparyâya, that young man or young lady of good family shall in future become a Tathâgata, &c.; be persuaded of it.' For, Bhaishagyaraga, such a young man or young lady of good family must be considered to be a Tathagata, and by the whole world, including the gods, honour should be done to such a Tathagata who keeps were it but a single stanza of this Dharmaparyâya, and far more, of course, to one who grasps, keeps, comprehends, makes known, copies, and after copying always retains in his memory this Dharmaparyâya entirely and completely, and who honours that book with flowers, incense, perfumed garlands, ointment, powder, clothes, umbrellas, flags, banners, music, joined hands, reverential bows and salutations. Such a young man or young lady of good family, Bhaishagyarâga, must be held to be accomplished in supreme and perfect enlightenment; must be held to be the like of a Tathagata, who out of compassion and for the benefit of the world, by virtue of a former vow, makes his appearance here in Gambudvipa, in order to make this Dharmaparyâya generally known. Whosoever, after leaving? his own lofty conception of the law ? and the lofty Buddha-field occupied by him, in order to make generally known this Dharmaparyâya, after my
1 Sthâpayitva, which commonly means 'apart from, barring.'
* Yah svam (var. lect. yas tam)- dharmabhisamskâram. If we follow the former reading, sthâpayitvâ can hardly be taken in the sense of apart from ;' in the other case it would be possible, though I should be at a loss to guess the purport of the phrase. The real meaning of dharmabhisamskâra is, probably, 'position in life' or 'religion.' Cf. stanza 4 below.
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