will of him who is good-willed is not fulfilled. 57. And this, that the goodness of that sagacious creator is manifest from creativeness, cherishing, and protection, and from commanding and teaching the means of putting away the path of evil and causing forbearance from crime; (58) also from the qualities and powers of the body in pain and sickness from without
59. And, as a cause of the body, (60) to remove and keep away the opponent who comes to the body, and to be the maintenance, the cause of maturity, and the cause of growth of animals and sprouting plants", through the power of maintaining and cherishing their qualities, there is a co-operator who is scripturally called the Fravash ? 61. And through those four powers that are accumulative, which are the powers of attracting, seizing, digesting, and extracting—(62) and which, owing to the creator's sagacity of every kind, are co-operators with proportionate power for keeping away the pain and sickness of various kinds which are owing to the opponent, who is working defectively and desirous of evil—(63) and through others that are of like strength and auxiliary, the good will of the creator is manifest.
1 Pâz. rôdamã nã, which Nêr translates by the Sanskrit for 'trees and grains;' and the occurrence of the latter word has induced some reviser of AK to alter the following words zôr-i dârâ,
power of maintaining,' into zôridâêã, 'grains,' which alteration has been adopted by MH19 and PB3, but the latter has also zôr-i dârâ inserted in the margin, while JE has both readings in the text which thus means through the power of maintaining and cherishing the quality of grains.'
? The guardian spirit or spiritual representative of each object created by Adharmazd, which acts for that object in the spiritual world (see Mkh. XLIX, 23).
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