man in that manner. With these words he sprinkles him with cold water without addressing him any further. For that householder knows the poor man's humble disposition' and his own elevated position; yet he feels that the man is his son.
The householder, Lord, skilfully conceals from every one that it is his son. He calls one of his servants and says to him: Go, sirrah, and tell that poor man Go, sirrah, whither thou likest; thou art free. The servant obeys, approaches the poor man and tells him: Go, sirrah, whither thou likest; thou art free. The poor man is astonished and amazed at hearing these words; he leaves that spot and wanders to the street of the poor in search of food and clothing. In order to attract him the householder practises an able device. He employs for it two men ill-favoured and of little splendour 2. Go, says he, go to the man you saw in this place; hire him in your own name for a double daily fee, and order him to do work here in my house. And if he asks: What work shall I have to do? Help us in clearing the heap of dirt.
tell him: The two
(var. lect. ânayeyur) iti. A would-be correction has anayata, at any rate a blunder, because ânayantu would be required. The original reading may have been ânayishur, in common Sanskrit anaishur. Quite different is the reading, atha khalu sa daridrapurusham ânayantv iti tam enam sîtalena, &c., 'thereupon he (the rich man) ordered the poor man to be brought before him and,' &c.
1 Here and repeatedly in the sequel the term hînâdhimuktatâ would much better be rendered by humble or low position.' Durvarnâv alpaugaskau. The idiomatic meaning of durvarna a. is 'having a bad complexion or colour (e. g. from ill health) and little vitality or vigour. The artificial or so-called etymological meaning may be,' of bad caste and of little splendour or majesty;' see, however, below at stanza 21.
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