supposed dangers. But the rich man, sitting on the throne at the door of his mansion, has recognised his son at first sight, in consequence whereof he is content, in high spirits, charmed, delighted, filled with joy and cheerfulness. He thinks: Wonderful! he who is to enjoy this plenty of bullion, gold, money and corn, treasures and granaries, has been found! He of whom I have been thinking again and again, is here now that I am old, aged, advanced in years.
At the same time, moment, and instant, Lord, he despatches couriers, to whom he says: Go, sirs, and quickly fetch me that man. The fellows thereon all run forth in full speed and overtake the poor man, who, frightened, terrified, alarmed, seized with a feeling of horripilation all over his body, agitated in mind, utters a lamentable cry of distress, screams, and exclaims: I have given you no offence. But the fellows drag the poor man, however lamenting, violently with them. He, frightened, terrified, alarmed, seized with a feeling of horripilation all over his body, and agitated in mind, thinks by himself: I fear lest I shall be punished with capital punishment1; I am lost. He faints away, and falls on the earth. His father dismayed and near despondency' says to those fellows: Do not carry the
1 According to the reading vadhyâdandyah. If we read vadhyo dandyah, the rendering would be, executed or punished (fined). Cf. stanza 19 below.
Vishannaska sâdâsanne kâsya sa pitâ bhavet; var. lect. v.syâd âsannaska kâsya s. p. b. Both readings are corrupt; we have to read sâdâsannaska. The final e of asanne is likely to be a remnant of the original Mâgadhî (not Pâli) text, the e being the nom. case sing. of masculine words in a.
Mâ bhavanta enam (var. lect. evam) purusham âyishur
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