(d û s-h û varstô)1. 21. With the fourth step the wicked person arrives at that which is the darkest hell; (22) and they lead him forwards to the vicinity of Aharman, the wicked. 23. And Aharman and the demons, thereupon, make ridicule and mockery of him (24) thus? : "What was thy trouble and complaint, as regards Adharmazd and the archangels, and the fragrant and joyful heaven, when thou approachedst for a sight of us and gloomy hell, (25) although we cause thee misery therein and do not pity, and thou shalt see misery of long duration ?” 26. And, afterwards, they execute punishment and torment of various kinds upon him.
27. There is a place 3 where, as to cold, it is such as that of the coldest frozen * snow. 28. There is a place where, as to heat, it is such as that of the hottest and most blazing fire. 29. There is a place where noxious creatures are gnawing them, just as a dog does the bones. 30. There is a place where, as to stench, it is such that they stagger about (barâ larzênd)and fall down. 31. And the dark
1 These names, as here written, mean literally evil good thoughts, evil good words, and evil good deeds,' as if they implied that these places are for those whose best thoughts, words, and deeds are evil; but it is not quite certain that the Pahlavi names are spelt correctly.
As already stated in Chap. II, 183-186. 3 Lrg has he is experienced'in $S 27-30, owing to Nêr. having read dânâk, knowing, experienced,' instead of dîvâk, a place.'
* Literally, stone-possessing, stony' if we read sang-dâr, as seems most plausible; but we might read sô khâr and consider Pers. khasâr or khasar, 'ice,' as a corruption of it, by transposition. L19 has 'ice (yah) and snow.'
5 L19 has be resend, they vomit up,' which is evidently a misreading.
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