moon station ; (10) second, from the moon station unto the sun ; (11) and, third, from the sun station unto the supreme heaven (garôdmânô), whereon the creator Adharmazd is seated. 12. Of heaven the first part is that of good thoughts (h û mato), the second is that of good words (h ukhtô), and the third is that of good deeds (hú varstô).
13. “The righteous in heaven are undecaying and immortal, unalarmed, undistressed, and undisturbed. 14. And, everywhere, they are full of glory, fragrant, and joyful, full of delight and full of happiness. 15. And, at all times, a fragrant breeze and a scent which is like sweet basil come to meet them, which are more pleasant than every pleasure, and more fragrant than every fragrance. 16. For them, also, there is no satiety owing to the existence in heaven. 17. And their sitting and walking, perception and enjoyment are with the angels and archangels and the righteous for ever and everlasting
18. 'Regarding the ever-stationary it is declared, that they are from the earth unto the star station ; (19) and its affliction for them is then nothing whatever except cold and heat.
20. Of hell the first part is that of evil thoughts (dûs-huma tô), the second is that of evil words (dûs-hakhtô), and the third is that of evil deeds
i Nêr. has at all times, which may be correct, as gâs means both time' and 'place.' It should be noticed, however, that the word used in $ 15 is damân, which means 'time' only.
? Nêr. has their affliction is otherwise,' by mistaking Huz. a dinas-sân, then its... for them, for a supposed Paz. ainâsă,
otherwise their,' which seems to have no real existence, as wherever he reads ainâ, otherwise,' the Pahl. text has adînas, then its.'
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