CHAPTER II, 157–174.
soul of the wicked, and mercilessly and maliciously beats and maltreats it. 165. And that soul of the wicked weeps with a loud voice, is fundamentally horrified, implores with many supplicating ? entreaties, and makes many struggles for life disconnectedly 3. 166. Whom *- when his struggling and supplication are of no avail whatever, and no one comes to his assistance from the divinities (bagân)', nor yet from the demons—moreover, Vizaresh, the demon, drags miserably to the inevitable? hell.
167. 'And then a maiden who is not like unto maidens comes to meet him. 168. And that soul of the wicked speaks to that evil maiden (169) thus: “Who mayst thou be, that never in the worldly existence was an evil maiden seen by me, who was viler and more hideous than thee?"
170. 'And she 8 speaks in reply to him (171) thus: “ I am not a maiden, but I am thy deeds ”, thou monster who art evil-thinking, evil-speaking, evildoing, and of evil religion! 172. For even when thou sawest 10 him who performed the worship of the sacred beings, still then thou hast sat down, and demon-worship was performed by thee, (173) and the demons and fiends were served. 174. And also when thou sawest him who provided lodging and
1 Instead of burs-vângîha bekh ûnêd, bun râmêd, L19 has burzavandihâ vã gîned u vârâmed, loudly shrieks and weeps.'
* Reading lâpako-karîh â. 3 Instead of apadvandîhâ, L19 has apatûih â, fruitlessly.' * L19 has 'and.'
* L19 has vehã,' the good.' . Instead of âk-hômandîhâ, L19 has anaomedihâ, 'hopelessly.'
? Reading nagirz, but this is uncertain ; L19 has azer, 'lower.' 8 L19 has that evil maiden.' 9L19 has evil deeds.' 10 L19 adds in the world.'
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