religion, (4) forth from which this, which is such a source of wisdom, is a selector? 5. Through the glory and will of the creator Allharmazd—who is promoting the prosperity of the two existences - (6) and of all the greatly powerful angels, (7) and through the completely calm repose of the sacred beings, the princelys, purpose-fulfilling sages, (8) presentations of various novelties for the appropriation of wisdom, (9) through largely acquiring reasoning thought“, are most wholesome for the body and soul in the two existences.
10. As in the pure marvel of marvels, the unquestionable and well-betokened good religion of the Mazda-worshippers, by the words of the creator, Allharmazd, and Zaratust the Spitamân", it is in
1 That is, this work is a selection of wisdom from the religion. The Pâz. vas is a misreading of Pahl. agas,' from it,' which is identical in form with Pahl. afas, the correct equivalent of Paz. vas.
2 This world and the next.
3 The angels are here compared to the vâspaharakân, the highest class of Sasanian nobles, called barbêtân, sons of the house,' in Huzvâris see Nöldeke's Gesch. Pers. Sas. pp. 71, 501). As these nobles ranked next to the royal house, so do the archangels and angels rank next to Adharmazd. The title vâspühar is evidently connected with the ancient Pers. equivalent of Av. vîsô puthra, son of the village or town,' which, as Darmesteter points out (Études Iraniennes, II, p. 140), is used in Vend. VII, 114 as the title of a person who has to pay the same medical fees as the zantu-paiti, 'tribe-ruler,' mentioned in the earlier $ 108, and who must, therefore, have been a man of equal rank.
• Reading vîrmat, both here and in $ 13, instead of the Pâz. nîrmad, which is a misreading of the same letters.
5 Av. Zarathustra Spitama, the great apostle of the Masdaworshippers, whose conversations with Ahura Mazda (Pahl. Allharmazd) constitute a considerable portion of the Avesta, or scripture of the Mazda-worshippers.
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