Through the name and power and assistance of the creator Adharmazd, the archangels who are good rulers and good performers, and all the angels of the spiritual and the angels of the worldly existences, by a happy dispensation (dahisn) and wellomened we write the Opinions of the Spirit of Wisdom through the will of the sacred beings?
CHAPTER 12 [1. In the name and for the propitiation of the allbenefiting creator Adharmazd, (2) of all the angels of the spiritual and worldly creations, (3) and of the learning of learnings, the Mazda-worshipping
1 This heading is prefixed to the original Pahlavi text in K 43, a facsimile of which was published by Andreas in 1882; as, however, the text which follows it, in that codex, begins in the middle of Chap. I, 28, this heading must have been composed by some copyist, after the first folio of the text had been lost from some previous copy. It is, therefore, doubtful whether the name he gives to the work, 'Opinions (or decisions) of the Spirit of Wisdom,' be the original title, or not; but it is, at any rate, preferable to the modern appellation, the Spirit of Wisdom. In Pâzand this title is Mainyô-i Khard; but regarding the Pahlavi word maînôg, see the Introduction.
The beginning of this chapter, enclosed in brackets, as far as $ 28 (being lost from the Pahlavi text of K 43, and no copy of it from TD2 being available) is here taken from the Pazand version contained in L19. The division into sections, adopted throughout, is that of the alternating Pâz.-Sans. text of Nêryôsang.
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