PAGE 76. Period of purification after childbirth. 77. Purification and precautions after still-birth. . . 340 78. Why meat must not be eaten for three days after a death
in the house. the nouse .
. .
. .
. .
. . . . 341 79. Advantages of liberality . . .
. . 342 8o. Different values of Ashem-vohů on different occasions. 343 81. Hôrmazd admonishes Zaratust not to postpone to-day's
duties and good works till to-morrow i . . 344 82. The sacred thread-girdle must be re-tied when dressing, before moving from the spot. . .
. . 347 83. Proper fasting is from sin, not from food . . . 348 84. Prayers before sleeping and when restless . . . 348 85. Advice must always be asked of the wise and relations. 349 86. Beavers must not be killed . . . . . 350 87. Ceremonies to be celebrated after a death. . . 350 88. Polluted wood must not be used or burnt . . . 353 89. Any one eating dead matter, or polluting another with it,
must be purified . . . . . . . 353 90. Nothing is to be given to a sinner . . . : 354 91. How to purify articles of various materials when polluted
by dead matter . . . . . . . 364 92. The sacred fire must be properly maintained, and an attendant provided (see Chap. 39)
: . 365 93. Slander a sin, and how to atone for it .
. : 356 94. Benefits must be reciprocated . .
. : 357 95. The merit of performing the Nyâyises, and the sin of neg
lecting them. . . . . . . . 357 06. Mourning for the dead is improper , 97. Priests' instructions must be treated with respect . . 98. Priests must' teach the Avesta to laymen correctly . 359 99. Pahlavi must be taught to priests only . . . 360 100. Any one molesting a harmless person in this world will be delayed on his way to the other world
· · 361 INDEX . . . . . . . . . . 363
Transliteration of Oriental Alphabets adopted for the Trans
lations of the Sacred Books of the East . . . 373
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