PAGE 45. How repentance must be accomplished for every sin : 308 46. The proper age for tying on the sacred thread-girdle - 309 47. Ceremonies must be celebrated after the death of a child
of seven, to liberate its soul from those of its parents. 310 48. A cooking-pot must not be more than two-thirds full, for
fear of boiling over . . . . . . . 311 49. A fire must be cold before the ashes are removed . 311 50. How the morning ablutions must be performed . . 312 51. Why it is necessary to send a child to school . . 313 52. Why a sacred cake must be consecrated every year on
the day Khurdâd of the month Fravardîn . . . 314 53. Any one travelling twelve leagues must have a sacred
cake consecrated before he goes and every Bahirâm
day during his absence . . . . . . 315 54. If a man's serving wife has a son, he may adopt it; but
if only a daughter, he must adopt a relation's son : 316 55. When a sacred cake cannot be consecrated at a Navazad,
bread must be eaten with the Hôrmazd vag . . 316 56. Precautions and prayers necessary when evacuating water 317 57. A hedgehog must not be injured, and why . . . 318 58. Advantages of a ceremony for the living soul . 318 59. The only Nyayis for women is obedience to their husbands 320 60. Steadfastness in the religion leads to heaven, and helping
others to be steadfast is the best good work 61. Evils of falsehood .
322 62. Advantages of truth in word and action
: 323 63. Regarding the sin of adultery . . . . : 324 64. Penalties for theft with and without violence .
.226 65. Duties of thanksgiving and doing good . . . 328 66. All women must have the Dvâzdah-hômâst celebrated. 330 67. Why women must abstain from adultery . . . 331 68. Precautions to be taken by menstruous women . . 332 69. Allowing the sun to shine on a fire, even through holes, is sinful . . . . .
334 70. Precautions to be observed in carrying the dead.
. 335 71. Punishment eating dead matter as medicine . . 336 72. Bringing dead matter to water or fire is a deadly sin · 336 73. Any cow, goat, or fowl that eats dead matter is impure,
and its produce cannot be used, for a year . . 337 74. Morning ablutions . . . . . . . 337 75. Cultivators must be careful that irrigation water is not
defiled with dead matter. . . . . . 338
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