And then the manly courage,
11. Firm-footed, unsleeping, (sleeping only) for a third part of the day. and of the night, quick to rise up from bed, ever awake;
And a protecting, virtuous offspring, able to rule countries and assemblies of men, well growing up, good, freeing us from the pangs (of hell), endowed with a good intellect, that may increase my house, my borough, my town, my country, my empire.
12. Give me, O Atar, son of Ahura Mazda! however unworthy I am’, now and for ever, a seat in the bright, all-happy, blissful abode of the holy Ones.
May I obtain the good reward, a good renown?, and long cheerfulness for my souls!
13. Âtar, the son of Ahura Mazda, lifts up his voice to all those for whom he cooks their evening meal and their morning meal4. From all those he wishes a good offering, a beneficent offering, an offering of assistance, O Spitama !
14. Âtar looks at the hands of all those who pass by: 'What does the friend bring to his friend ? What does he who comes and goes bring to him 5 who stays motionless ?'. We sacrifice unto Âtar, the valiant warrior 8.
15. And if the passer-by brings him wood holily brought, or bundles of baresma holily tied up, or
1 Yâ mê afrasaunghau anghat: yâ me abhût ayogyatâ (Sansk. transl.). ? Here.
8 Above. * Khshafnim, sùirîm (Études Iraniennes, II, 161). 5 Âtar.
• Bodily he is infirm (armêst, motionless); spiritually he is a warrior' (Pahl. Comm.).
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