good offering, the beneficent offering, the offering of assistance offered unto thee, O Atar, son of Ahura Mazda!
Thou art worthy of sacrifice and invocation ; mayest thou receive the sacrifice and the invocation in the houses of men.
Well may it be unto the man who ever worships thee with a sacrifice, holding the sacred wood in his hand, the baresma in his hand, the meat in his hand, the mortar 1 in his hand...
8. Mayest thou have the right 2 wood! Mayest thou have the right incense! Mayest thou have the right food! Mayest thou have the right fuel3!
Mayest thou be full-grown for protecting (this house)! Mayest thou grow excellent for protecting!
9. Mayest thou burn in this house! Mayest thou ever burn in this house! Mayest thou blaze in this house! Mayest thou increase in this house! Even for a long time, till the powerful restoration of the world, till the time of the good, powerful restoration of the world!
10. Give me, O Âtar, son of Ahura Mazda ! lively welfare, lively maintenance, lively living; fulness of welfare, fulness of maintenance, fulness of life ;
Knowledge, sagacity ; quickness of tongue; (holiness of) soul; a good memory; and then the understanding that goes on growing and the one that is not acquired through learning *;
1 The mortar for pounding the Haoma. ? In quality and quantity.
3 Upasayêni: what is added to keep up the fire when lighted (Pers. transl.).
• The gaoshô-srûta khratu and the â sna khratu (see p. 7, note 1).
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