11. Ye gods of full Glory, ye gods of full healing, let your greatness become manifest! let your assistance become manifest as soon as you are called for! and ye, Waters, manifest your Glory, and impart it to the man who offers you a sacrifice.
Ashem Voha: Holiness is the best of all good ....
[Give) unto that man brightness and glory, .... give him the bright, all-happy, blissful abode of the holy Ones.
IV. ABÂN NYÂYIS. 1. May Ahura Mazda be rejoiced! ....
Unto the good Waters, made by Mazda; unto the holy water-spring Ardvi AnâHITA; unto all waters, made by Mazda ; unto all plants, made by Mazda,
Be propitiation ....
2. Ahura Mazda spake unto Spitama Zarathustra, saying: 'Offer up a sacrifice, O Spitama Zarathustral unto this spring of mine, Ardvi Sûra Anâhita .....
3. Who makes the seed of all males pure, who makes the womb of all females pure for bringing forth ....
4. "The large river, known afar, that is as large as the whole of the waters that run along the earth ...
5. All the shores of the sea Vouru-Kasha are boiling over, all the middle of it is boiling over, when she runs down there ....
6. 'From this river of mine alone flow all the waters that spread all over the seven Karshvares;
7. 'I, Ahura Mazda, brought it down with mighty vigour, for the increase of the house, of the borough, of the town, of the country3.
8. 'He from whom she will hear the staota yêsnya*; he from whom she will hear the Ahuna 1 As âbân Yast, o.
* $$ 2-6=Âbản Yast, $$ 1-5s Cf. âbân Yast, $ 6.
* See above, p. 152, note 1.
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