14. 'Thus do we announce unto thee, Ahura Mazda, and Sraosha, and Ashi, and the Law of the worshippers of Mazda, with the whole of all her hymns, with the whole of all her deeds, with the whole of her performances; the Law of Mazda, who obtains her wishes, who makes the world grow, who listens to the songs and rejoices the faithful man at his wish; who protects the faithful man, who maintains the faithful man;
15. 'From whom come the knowledge of holiness and the increase in holiness of the world of the holy Principle, and without whom no faithful man 2 can know holiness.
"To thee 3 come every Hâvanan, every Atarevakhsha, every Frabaretar, every Aberet, every Åsnâtar, every Rathwiskar, every Sraoshâ-varez * ;
16. Every priest, every warrior, every husbandman; every master of a house, every lord of a borough, every lord of a town, every lord of a province;
17. 'Every youth of good thoughts, good words, good deeds, and good religion; every youth who speaks the right words; every one who performs the next-of-kin marriage 6; every itinerant priest ; every mistress of a house; every wandering priest, obedient to the Law.
18. “To thee come all the performers 6 (of holiness), all the masters of holiness, who, to the
1 Doubtful. 2 Saoshyantem. W. has srashyantem. To the Law.
• The seven priests engaged in the sacrifice (Vendîdâd, p. 64, note 1).
• The hvaệt vôdatha (Vend. Introd. p. xlv, note 7; see West, Pahlavi Texts, II, 389 seq.).
o Thâtus: kâr kartâr (Pahl.).
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