offer and give bad food to a priest: for a priest must be to thee like the brightest offspring of thy own blood.'
10. Zarathustra spake unto him: 'O young king Vistâspa !
He who supports the Law of the worshippers of Mazda, as a brother or as a friend, he who treats her friendly in any way, looks to keep off want of food from her?'
11. The holy Zarathustra preached that law to Frashaostra 3 and Gâmâspa : 'May ye practise holiness and thrive, O young Frashaostra (and Gâmâspa)!'
12. Thus said Ahura Mazda unto the holy Zarathustra, and thus again did Zarathustra say unto the young king Vistâspa : ‘Have no bad priests or unfriendly priests; for bad priests or unfriendly priests will bring about much harm, and, though thou wish to sacrifice, it will be to the AmeshaSpentas as if no sacrifice had been offered 4.
*Ashem Vohů: Holiness is the best of all good ....
III. 13. When I teach thee, that thou mayest do the same to thy son", O Vistâspa! receive thou well that teaching; that will make thee rich in children and rich in milk; rich in seed, in fat, in milk 6.
Raêvatã m ka (not rashvatấm ka) belongs to $ 9 (W.). 2 W. has, hanairê vaêm aiwi vainat (vaêm=Sansk.vayas?). 3 See Yt. XIII, 103. Frashaostra and Gâmâspa were brothers.
* Cf. Vend. XVIII, 1-13. Perhaps, Be not bad to the priests! Be not unfriendly to the priest! For he who is bad to the priest, he who is unfriendly to the priest ....' 6 Doubtful.
6 Cf. Vend. XXI, 6–7.
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