XIV. 83. We sacrifice unto the awful kingly Glory, made by Mazda ....
84. That clave unto king Vistâspa, so that he thought according to the Law, spake according to the Law, and did according to the Law; so that he professed that Law, destroying his foes and causing the Daêvas to retire.
85?. Who, driving the Drug before him ?, sought wide room for the holy religion ; who, driving the Drug before him, made wide room for the holy religion ; who made himself the arm and support of this law of Ahura, of this law of Zarathustra ;
86. Who took her, standing bound, from the hands of the Hunus, and established her to sit in the middle [of the world], high ruling, never falling back, holy, nourished with plenty of cattle and pastures, blessed with plenty of cattle and pastures.
87. The valiant king Vistâspa conquered all enemies, Tấthravant of the evil law, Peshana, the worshipper of the Daêvas, and the fiendish wicked Aregat-aspa and the other wicked Hvyaonas 3.
For its brightness and glory, I will offer it a sacrifice ....
XV. 88. We sacrifice unto the awful kingly Glory, made by Mazda ....
894. That will cleave unto the victorious Saoshyant and his helpers 5, when he shall restore the
1 $$ 85-86=Yt. XIII, 99-100. 3 Or with his spear pushed forwards;' see p. 205, note 1. : Cf. Yt. V, 109.
* $$ 89-90=S$ 11-12. * See p. 117, note 6.
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