to the Law, and did according to the Law; so that he was the holiest in holiness in all the living world, the best-ruling in exercising rule, the brightest in brightness, the most glorious in glory, the most victorious in victory.
80. At his sight the Daêvas rushed away; at his sight the (demoniac) malices were extinguished; at his sight the Gainis drew back their ways from the mortals and, lamenting 2 and wailing, laid violent hands on the Daêvas.
81. And that one prayer, the Ahuna Vairya, which the holy Zarathustra sang and repeated four times, with a song that waxed louder and louder, drove back all the Daêvas beneath the earth, and took off from them sacrifice and prayers.
82. It was it, the Glory of Zarathustra, that the Turanian ruffian Frangrasyan tried to seize to rule over all the Karshvares; round about the seven Karshvares did that ruffian Frangrasyan rush, trying to seize the Glory of Zarathustra 4. But that Glory escaped to hidden inlets of the sea®; and there those two 6 made my will' roll on 8; they entered my will, as it was my wish, Ahura Mazda's, and as it was the wish of the Law of Mazda.
For its brightness and glory, I will offer it a sacrifice ....
1 See Vend. XX, 10.
? Doubtful. Perhaps : and lamenting and wailing the Daêvas left off injuring.
8 Cf. Yt. XIII, 90. * See above, $$ 56-64.
Cf. $$ 56, 59, 62. o Zarathustra and Vistâspa (?); cf. 8$ 84-87. ? Meaning my law.
8 Cf. Yt. XIII, 89, note 5.
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