of Aêkha, they bring (away) the fiend of death, Apaosha.
7. 'Hail to the bright and glorious star Tistrya! Hail to the strong wind, made by Mazda! Hail to the Glory of the Aryas!
*Yatha ahû vairyô: The will of the Lord is the law of holiness .... "Ashem Vohd: Holiness is the best of all good .... 8. "We worship the Ahuna Vairya.
We worship Asha-Vahista, the fairest AmeshaSpenta.
'We worship the rightly-spoken Words", fiendsmiting and healing.
We worship the healing, well-spoken Words, the fiend-smiting.
We worship the Mãthra Spenta and the Law of Mazda, and (piety) that delights in Haoma 2.
We worship the Glory of the Aryas. “Yênhê hâtãm: All those beings of whom Ahura Mazda ....
9. “Yathâ ahû vairyô: The will of the Lord is the law of holiness ....
'I bless the sacrifice and prayer, and the strength and vigour of the Glory of the Aryas, made by Mazda.
Ashem Vohû: Holiness is the best of all good .... '[Give] unto that man o brightness and glory, . . . . give him the bright, all-happy, blissful abode of the holy Ones.'
1 Arshukhdha vako, the words conformable to the rites. * Haomakinem; see Études Iraniennes, II, 148.
Who shall have sacrificed to the Aryan Glory.
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