2. It destroys Angra Mainyu, who is all death ; it destroys Aêshma, the fiend of the wounding spear]; it destroys the yellow Bashyāsta 2; it destroys the contagion of Aêkha*; it destroys the fiend of death. Apaoshą; it destroys the non-Aryan nations. · 3. And I made the great Ashi Vanguhi; she comes in, amid the family; she comes in, inside the fine royal palace.
4. 'Let Ashi, with fulness of welfare, follow the man who gladdens the faithful with his gifts ?! she comes in, inside his family; she comes in, inside his fine royal palace.
With all sorts of flocks, with all victory, with all intelligence, with all Glory, the great Ashi Vanguhi puts one foot 8 inside his family; she comes in, inside his fine royal palace.
5. Horses multiply a thousandfold, flocks multiply a thousandfold; and so does his virtuous offspring, (as) the bright, glorious star Tistrya moves on equally', and so does the strong wind made by Mazda, and so does the Glory of the Aryas.
6. 'And they bring increase on the tops of all mountains, down the depths of all vales; they bring increase to all the growing plants10, the fair, the golden-hued. And they bring (away) 11 the contagion
1 See Vendidâd, Introd. IV, 22. ; Ibid. Introd. IV, 24.
8 Doubtful. • ? A daêva or a disease.
See Yt. VIII, 22. • See Yt. XVII. ? Who gives alms to the poor Mazdayasnians.
• Even one foot (?), when she stays not there for long friendship' (Yt. XVII, 6).
* So that the rain falls in due time (Yt. VIII, 11). 10 Cf. Yt. VIII, 29.
* 1 Cf. § 2.
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