We worship the Fravashis of the holy women in the Sairimyan countries.
144. We worship the Fravashis of the holy men in the Sâini countries 1;
We worship the Fravashis of the holy women in the Sâini countries.
We worship the Fravashis of the holy men in the Dâhi countries 2;
We worship the Fravashis of the holy women in the Dâhi countries.
We worship the Fravashis of the holy men in all countries;
We worship the Fravashis of the holy women in all countries.
145. We worship all the good, awful, beneficent Fravashis of the faithful, from Gaya Maretan down to the victorious Saoshyants. May the Fravashis of the faithful come quickly to us! May they come to our help!
146. They protect us when in distress with manifest assistance, with the assistance of Ahura Mazda and of the holy, powerful Sraosha, and with the Mãthra-Spenta, the all-knowing, who hates the Daêvas with a mighty hate, a friend of Ahura Mazda, whom Zarathustra worshipped so greatly in the material world.
147. May the good waters and the plants and
Thraêtaona, as Turan and Iran were inherited by Tūra and Airyu. Selm's heritage was Ram, that is to say, Europa and Western Asia.
1 China (Bund. XV, 29).
* Perhaps the Dahae (Pliny VI, 17; Aeneis VIII, 728) or Adai (Strabo), called Ta-hia by Chinese geographers, on the south of the Oxus. s From the first man to the last.
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