We worship the Fravashi of the holy maid Srůtat-fedhri 1.
142. We worship the Fravashi of the holy maid Vanghu-fedhria;
We worship the Fravashi of the holy maid Eredat-fedhri', who is called Vispa-taurvairi. She is Vispa-taurvairi (the all-destroying) because she will bring him forth, who will destroy the malice of Daêvas and men, to withstand the evil done by the Gahi 4.
143. We worship the Fravashis of the holy men in the Aryan countries;
We worship the Fravashis of the holy women in the Aryan countries.
We worship the Fravashis of the holy men in the Turanian countries 5;
We worship the Fravashis of the holy women in the Turanian countries.
We worship the Fravashis of the holy men in the Sairimyan countries R;
1 Ukhshyat-ereta's mother (see above, $ 126); the Saddar Bundahis (Études Iraniennes, II, 209) calls her Bad, from the last part of her name (fedhri for padhri), and states that, bathing in Lake Kãsava, she will become pregnant from the seed of Zarathustra, that is preserved there (see above, p. 195, note 2), and she will bring forth a son, Oshedar bâmî.
* Ukhshyal-nemah's mother, called Vah Bad in the Saddar; she will conceive in the same way as Srutat-fedhri.
8 Saoshyant's mother. * Cf. Vend. XIX, 5, and Introd. IV, 39-40.
5 Gôgôsasp (a commentator to the Avesta) says, “There are holy men in all religions, as appears from the words tûiryanăm dahvyunã m [We worship the Fravashis of the holy men in the Turanian countries],' (Pahl. Comm. ad Vend. III, end; and Vend. V, 38 [122]); cf. above, $$ 113, 123.
* The countries inherited by Sairima (Selm), the third son of
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