205 Word, the mighty-speared, and lordly one; who, driving the Drug I before him, sought wide room for the holy religion; who, driving the Drugi before him, made wide room for the holy religion, who made himself the arm and support of this law of Ahura, of this law of Zarathustra.
100. Who took her?, standing bound 3, from the hands of the Hunus 4, and established her to sit in the middle [of the world), high ruling, never falling back, holy, nourished with plenty of cattle and pastures, blessed with plenty of cattle and pastures *
101. We worship the Fravashi of the holy Zairivairi 5 ;
We worship the Fravashi of the holy Yukhtavairi;
We worship the Fravashi of the holy Sriraokhshan;
We worship the Frávashi of the holy Keresaokhshan;
We worship the Fravashi of the holy Vanâra; We worship the Fravashi of the holy Varâza;
We worship the Fravashi of the holy Bugisravah e;
1 Druga paurvanka, possibly, with the spear pushed forwards' (reading druka). • Daêna, the religion.
& Cf. Yt. II, 15. * A generic name of the people called elsewhere Varedhakas (Yt. IX, 31; XVII, 51) or Hvyaonas (ibid. and XIX, 87). The Hunus have been compared with the Hunni ; but it is not certain that this is a proper name; it may be a disparaging denomination, meaning the brood (hunu=Sansk, sûnu; cf. Yt. X, 113).
o Zarîr, the brother of Vîstâspa and son of Aurval-aspa (see Yt. V, 112). The ten following seem to be the names of the other sons of Aurval-aspa (Bund. XXXI, 29).
Possibly the same with Pât-Khosrav, a brother to Vistâspa in the Yâdkâr-i Zarîrân, as Mr. West informs me.
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