· We worship the Fravashi of the holy Vohuraokah, the son of Frânya;
We worship the Fravashi of the holy Ashoraokah, the son of Frânya;
We worship the Fravashi of the holy Varesmôraokah, the son of Frânya.
98. We worship the Fravashi of the holy Isatvâstra, the son of Zarathustra ;
We worship the Fravashi of the holy Urvatatnara, the son of Zarathustra ;
We worship the Fravashi of the holy Hvarekithra, the son of Zarathustra !
We worship the Fravashi of the holy Daêvôtbis, the son of Takhma.
We worship the Fravashi of the holy Thrimithwant, the son of Spitâma?.
We worship the Fravashi of the holy Daungha, the son of Zairita.
99. We worship the Fravashi of the holy king Vîstâspa 3; the gallant one, who was the incarnate
1.By Zaratûst were begotten three sons and three daughters; one son was Isadvästar, one Allrvatad-nar, and one Khûrshedkîhar; as Isadvästar was chief of the priests he became the Môbad of Môbads, and passed away in the hundredth year of the religion; Adrvatad-nar was an agriculturist, and the chief of the enclosure formed by Yim, which is below the earth (see Vend. II, 43 [141]); Khurshed-kîhar was a warrior, commander of the army of Pêshyôtanů, son of Vistâsp (see Yt. XXIV, 4), and dwells in Kangdes; and of the three daughters the name of one was Frên, of one Srît, and of one Pôrukîst (see Yt. XIII, 139). Aúrvatad-nar and Khurshed-kihar were from a serving (kakar) wife, the rest were from a privileged (pâdakhshah) wife' (Bund. XXXII, 5-6; tr. West).
According to Anquetil,' the threefold seed of Spitama Zarathustra;' cf. above, $ 62.
8 The king of Bactra, the champion of Zoroastrism ; cf. Yt. V, 98, 108.
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