of Keresâspa, the son of Sâma", the club-bearer with plaited hair, to the number of ninety thousand, and nine thousand, and nine hundred, and ninetynine.
XX. 62. We worship the good, strong, beneficent Fravashis of the faithful, who watch over the seed of the holy Zarathustra ?, to the number of ninety thousand, and nine thousand, and nine hundred, and ninety-nine.
XXI. 63. We worship the good, strong, beneficent Fravashis of the faithful, who fight at the right hand of the reigning lord, if he rejoices the faithful 3 and if the awful Fravashis of the faithful are not hurt by him, if they are rejoiced by him, unharmed and unoffended.
XXII. 64. We worship the good, strong, beneficent Fravashis of the faithful, who are greater, who are
1 Keresâspa lies asleep in the plain of Pêsyânsâi; "the glory (far) of heaven stands over him for the purpose that, when As-iDahâk becomes unfettered, he may arise and slay him; and a myriad guardian spirits of the righteous are as a protection to him' (Bundahis XXIX, 8; tr. West).
3 Zaratûst went near unto Hvôv (Hvôgvi, his wife) three times, and each time the seed went to the ground; the angel Nêryôsang received the brilliance and strength of that seed, delivered it with care to the angel Anâhîd, and in time will blend it with a mother' (Bundahis XXXII, 8). A maid, Eredat-fedhri, bathing in Lake Kåsava, will conceive by that seed and bring forth the Saviour Saoshyant; his two fore-runners, Ukhshyal-ereta and Ukhshyat-nemah, will be born in the same way of Srûtat-fedhri and Vanghu-fedhri (Yt. XIII, 141-142). 8 With alms.
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