XXVII. 34. "Whether thou, O holy Rashnu! art in the swift-horsed sun, we invoke, we bless Rashnu, the strong. I invoke his friendship towards this var prepared ....
XXVIII. 35. Whether thou, O holy Rashnu! art in the sovereign endless Light, we invoke, we bless Rashnu, the strong. I invoke his friendship towards this var prepared ....
XXIX. 36. Whether thou, O holy Rashnu ! art in the bright, all-happy, blissful abode of the holy Ones, we invoke, we bless Rashnu, the strong. I invoke his friendship towards this var prepared ....
XXX. 37. Whether thou, O holy Rashnu! art in the shining Garô-demâna?, we invoke, we bless Rashnu, the strong. I invoke his friendship towards this var prepared ....
XXXI. 38. “Whether thou, O holy Rashnu! art ....2 we invoke, we bless Rashnu, the strong. I invoke his friendship towards this var prepared ....
39. 'For his brightness and glory, I will offer unto him a sacrifice worth being heard ....
1 The highest heaven, the abode of Ormazd. ?? Upa hadhana hadhanâ tanasus; cf. § 8, p. 171, note 3. [23]
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